Heating cables for pipe freeze prevention – reliable protection in sub-zero temperatures
Heating cables used to prevent pipe freezing are usually set to turn on automatically, as soon as the environmental temperature falls underneath a certain threshold. It provides protection from frost, down to temperatures of about minus 40 degrees Celsius. The cables' heat output is adjusted automatically, depending on the environmental temperature at each heating site.
For cold sensitive areas – Anti-freeze heating cables
Cables like these are used to prevent freezing of pipes, as well as secondary frost damage. Water and oil carrying pipework is at particular risk for this. Crucial for the functioning of this type of cable is a temperature-independent element which is placed between the heating conductors.
As with everything from our wide range of products, freeze-protection heating cables are available in a variety of lengths and models.
Freeze-protect heating cables with demonstrative qualities
These exceedingly flexible trace heating solutions are suitable for both plastic and copper pipes and come shipped with antifrost thermostat, flexible chord and plug. The cables are pre-assembled and ready for use. Typically, they are affixed to the piping using electrical tape, or mounted underneath the pipeworks.
The Hillesheim GmbH provides you with functional heating solutions that meet your professional requirements. We're always here to answer your questions. Please get in touch with us if you would like to learn more about our high-quality freeze-protection heating cables and require more detailed information. Our aim is to provide you with expert information - and excellent heating technology.